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Not All Things End As They Start

Not all things necessarily end up as they began. Take a work week, for example: it begins with a Monday – and who on earth likes those? – and ends with Friday. Everyone loves Friday.

Or how about March in Minnesota? The saying is "in like a lion, out like a lamb." Or vice versa, as we born-and-raised Minnesotans know. And it's generally true that the month never ends like it begins. Especially this March.

First of all, we got a butt-ton of snow this winter (ps: that's MUCH more than a mere metric ton) and we still had it all coming into the beginning of this month. The past week has changed that, however – the warm(er) weather and now sluicing rains are melting that icky snow right before our eyes. So that's good. I'm done with winter.

And then there's the ever-increasing temperature...I believe we've been in the 50s (above!) several times in the past week. This is a joyous time. And this week is the best of all – right now, it's Sunday, cool and rainy. But, the upcoming forecast is VERY promising. In fact, there's going to be a drastic upswing in the temperature! Take a look...

Sunday–Wednesday's Forecast:

And Thursday–next Sunday's Forecast:

So you see, things can change drastically from the way they've started and end up being...well, something entirely different. And that's okay. In fact, it's great.

Can't wait 'til Thursday!